Monday, January 13, 2020

How to lace up all your shoes the right way?

This might surprise you a bit but the truth cannot be compromised. Shoelace is an element of your dressing which is neglected most of the time. But, having said that these laces are the only one who stops you and your shoes from falling off and getting embarrassed. Yes, they have a unique place in everyone’s style and one must carry it in the most extraordinary manner.

You can literally change the way you look just by altering the shoe lacing style. You have to get familiar with laces and its mind-blowing styling way. You only have to be sure of the amazing lacing ways and you can legit ace the game. So, here’s everything you need to know about lacing your shoes. The different ways to lace your shoes are given below –

1. Crossword lacing :
The most common, casual and subtle way of losing your shoes is this one. Your shoes are stiff and sturdy only because of you have tied them in this way. This way of lacing is famous everywhere and you should stick to it no matter what. The crossword lacing can literally change the way you look.

2. Straight lacing on the go:
Oxford shoes carry this lacing and it looks dope. The way it portrays itself is like a cherry on the cake. Aren’t you aware of the amazing way of lacing your shoes in European style? Well, this is a neat and clean way to lace them up. The straight eye to eye contact of laces is how this style works. However, what happens beneath that is hidden from everyone. A zig-zag style is followed underneath which helps in tightening the lace and makes the shoe game even stronger.

3. Lace it up and below:
You might have already guessed what over-under lacing means. It is more or less like criss-cross lacing but with little adjustments. You make your cross lacing simply by crossing the laces over and over through the eyelets of the shoes. But, the over-under lacing tells you to start the cross from over or above and insert it under the eyelets instead above. Follow this pattern until you reach the end and flaunt your gorgeous lacing game.

4. Simple and easy straight lacing:
The easiest of all lacing styles is this one so far. If you are someone who likes simple, neat and tidy laces then this is the one you should learn and tie. It definitely looks sleek and classy. The laces go straight to the eyelets which are horizontally parallel to the first eyelet. The shoelace gets even tighter when it is completed and the ends are tied. How amazing is this style where you don’t do much but get so much in return?

Tieing your shoelaces can be boring but trust me it gives a boost to your style. Not only does it looks sassy and stylish but also adds to your style statement which is a big thing.

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