C#, a programming language used to develop applications of various types and it is read as CSharp. Which is an Object-oriented developed by Microsoft. Anders Hejlsberg is the lead architect for C#.Net.
C# is designed for CLI, which has executable code and run-time environment that permit use of various high-level languages on various platforms and architectures.
- C# is general purpose language which can produce efficient programs.
- C# program can be compiled on different platforms.
- C is a part of dot Net Framework.
It can be used to create windows applications, web applications, and Web services. Visual Studio is the best IDE for writing C# programs.
Every C# program consists of a Namespace, Class, Main method, Methods, Statements, Comments etc.
Take a look at the basic program:
using System;
namespace first_namespace
class first_program
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Csharp World");
Output: Csharp World
Extension of a C# program is ".cs".
Keyword "using" is to include namespaces. Any C# program can have one or more using statements in it.
Syntax for calling a namespace:
using <namespace>;
A namespace is a group of classes and methods.
In the above example we have created a namespace with name first_namespace.
namespace namespace_name
class class_name
If we write System.Console.WriteLine("Csharp World"); then for this line of code we don't require to call System namespace with using keyword.
namespace first_namespace
class first_program
static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Csharp World 2");
Output: Csharp World 2
In the above example we did not write using keyword because we prefixed System namespace with Console class directly.
A class in C# is used to create a custom type or template, it allows us to create objects. Class can have members like objects, variables, and methods in it. A class is a reference type.
[<Modifiers>] class class_name
Every statement and an expression should end with a semicolon(;).
CSharp is case-sensitive, all the predefined libraries are implemented in "Proper Case". Proper Case means the first character of every word is Capital/Upper Case.
In C#, all the keywords are in lower case.
static <void/int> Main([<String[] args>])
// statements or code.
- Return type of Main method can be void or int only and Main method should be declared as static.
- Main method is the entry point of all C# programs.
We use //(double forward slash) to indicate Single line comments.
Example 1:
static <void/int> Main([<String[] args>])
// statements or code.
We use / * */ for Multi-line comments:
Example 2:
/* statements..
The text inside the comments will not be excluded, they're only to give information.
C# Primitive Data Types:
Signed integral:
- sbyte
- short
- int
- long
Unsinged intergral:
- byte
- ushort
- uint
- ulong
floating point:
- float
- double
List of Keywords in C#:
as abstract base bool
break byte catch case
char checked clonst class
continue decimal default delegate
do double else enum
event explicit extern false
finally fixed for float
foreach goto if implicit
in int interface internal
is long lock namespace
new null object operator
out override params private
public protected ref readonly
return sbyte sealed short
sizeof stackalloc static string
struct switch this throw
try true typeof uint
ulong unchecked ushort unsafe
using using static virtual volatile
void while
Operators in C#:
Arithmetic : +, -, *, /, %
Assignment : =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
Comparison : ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, is, as, Like
Concatenation : +
Increment and Decrements : ++, --
Logical : &&, ||, ^
- byte
- ushort
- uint
- ulong
floating point:
- float
- double
as abstract base bool
break byte catch case
char checked clonst class
continue decimal default delegate
do double else enum
event explicit extern false
finally fixed for float
foreach goto if implicit
in int interface internal
is long lock namespace
new null object operator
out override params private
public protected ref readonly
return sbyte sealed short
sizeof stackalloc static string
struct switch this throw
try true typeof uint
ulong unchecked ushort unsafe
using using static virtual volatile
void while
Operators in C#:
Arithmetic : +, -, *, /, %
Comparison : ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, is, as, Like
Concatenation : +
Increment and Decrements : ++, --
Logical : &&, ||, ^
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