Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How can you stop being taken for granted?

Being taken for granted is a horrible situation but how do you know you are being taken for granted.
When someone undervalued you, don’t respect your works, don’t appreciate your work you have to know that you are taken for granted.
It creates a feeling of de-motivating and frustrating inside you.
It is a sign of being taken for
granted if all your efforts are unnoticed and ignored, disrespected and unappreciated. This can leads to physical stress and anxiety.
This is the most common interpersonal problem that arises when someone oversteps your personal boundaries.

1. Are others taking you for granted?
Sometimes people take credit for whatever you have done, unwilling to appreciate you for your work.
If you lack empathy, lack appreciation, get ignored, disrespected and these are also the sign that you have taken for granted.
Simply it means they don’t think you are important for them. Even sometimes people don’t aware that you have been taken for granted by him.  

2. How can you stop being taken for granted?
Steps to stop being taken for granted-
a) Know your inner growth: There is only one way to stop being taken for granted and that is by realizing your self-worth.
Ask this question to yourself, do you know your self-worth?
Remember that if you don’t value yourself you can expect others to value you.
Be confident in anything that you do.
Don’t wait for other’s appreciation.
Try to find your self-worth. Nobody on the earth will help you, you have do it by yourself.
Set clear personal boundaries. To stop being taken for granted, set a strong personal boundary.
Try to clearly express your needs with others. Voice your needs to make them clear about your personal boundaries.
If you think you don’t have any clear personal boundaries, people are not aware of your self-worth. Create a fresh clear boundary that can express clearly who you are and what you need from others.

b) Make a habit of saying “NO” to others:
Yes, you have to say no to others for nonessential things.
Don’t try to please everybody. If you think you don’t need to do something, without hesitation say “NO”. Don’t be nice all the time.
This is the main reason people take you for granted. Because you are unable to say “NO” to others.

c) Communicate your needs:
When you feel someone has taken you for granted, you should talk about your needs, where you need to improve and where your strength lies.
Even sometimes people are not aware that they are neglecting you. So if you think you deserve something raise voice, clearly communicate your needs.
Learn to say “NO” to others. This will increase your self-worth.

d) Master self-promotion:
It is important to raise your voice, make your achievement seen, promote your self-worth in order not to be taken for granted.
Share feedbacks you have received from others to show your value.

You have been taken for granted because you undervalued yourself. You don’t aware of your self-worth.
So try to respect yourself, try to know your self-worth.

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